This is my all time favorite apron that my sister made me. It has two holes in this picture. Soon after this picture I caught one of the holes on the drawer knob and ripped it wide open. Boo. :( |
A friend of mine sent me a link to an article on magnesium deficiency. (Here is the link: ) What caught my attention was "Eye Twitch". In 2003, when I was in college, I was in a car accident; the drive tried to turn before I reached the intersection, not accounting for the snowy, slippery roads. It was not a bad accident. The worst part about the whole thing was my awesome 1980 Buick got the left headlight smashed almost beyond repair. My really nice cousin who was a mechanic was able to patch it up for me, so it worked, but it was not in its original splendor any longer. The insurance company deemed the car only worth $250 (grrrr.....really, I am not still bitter about this), so I got a check, and a "sorry" your car is not worth more speech. Anyway, back to the "Eye Twitch". The event was pretty stressful, and from that night on, for what I could only imagine would be for the rest of my life (but only ended up being two years), my left eye started twitching. It would not twitch all day, but at random times through out the day the skin under my bottom eyelid would start to tremble, repeatedly. It was the strangest thing. I just figured my eye was damaged some how from the stress of the accident. Usually holding my finger lightly on the area would help it calm down. It was quite annoying. About two years later I realized I had not been having it any more, and I did not really know why.
Fast forward to 2013. My eye starts twitching again, randomly. Not every day, but once a week, or something. Very strange. I figure it is due to the lack of sleep and general stress that comes with being the mother of four. Another year goes by, and I start having heart palpitations, only I do not know what they are! The first time it happens, I nearly faint from worry; am I having a heart attack?!?!?! Then I remember a friend of mine and my sister both had similar things happen to them, went to the hospital, and it ended up being nothing. (Sorry to both my friend and my sister for turning their very traumatic experience into a quick summary.) So I forced myself to calm down. I experienced this every night for a week. You can not breath deeply through these things, it has the opposite affect, you end up hyperventilating. I had to calm myself and make myself breath normally. It was so weird and scary.
Fast forward to the present, and I have started having heart palpitations again. I figure all the stress from the almost finished house, home school, health issues, GAPS are all taking their toll on me. But maybe it is not that at all. What if I have this magnesium deficiency. I am definitely looking into this more.
Here is a link to the video about "Unique Water", which is supposed to be really healthy and have lots of benefits to your over all health: . This is also the post with a DIY recipe for making your own drink, but I am thinking there has got to be a better way. I know my mother has struggled with leg cramps (along with her mother and sisters) and she started spraying magnesium oil on her legs, and it has helped her. So I think I will be doing a little more research. The positive affects on peoples health when they up their magnesium seems to be extraordinary. It may be worth a try.
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