Saturday, January 31, 2015

Day Seven- Little Miss Grumpy

     I did not post yesterday because I was a grump!  I was sick of soup.  I was sick of being hungry.  I was sick of my kids, house, life...pretty much everything.  I think some of the problem was die off.  Die off is a hard thing to figure out, though.  No one really knows what is going on inside their guts.  So many people go to doctors and have tests run and still can not figure out what is going on in their body.  This really is no different.  I only hope that it is temporary.  I only hope that it is die off, and maybe a bit of stress, and it will go away.

     Today was stacking up to be more of the same.  I could not let that happen.  I had to think out side the box.  Chicken was on sale, which was awesome.  So my husband brought home six!  I put one in the crock-pot right away this morning.  I drank my broth at breakfast time, and had some coffee.  I tried to force down the last cup full of soup (from a few days ago) I had, and could not do it.  The previous day's soup I had made did not turn out well.  Miserable fail!  I had some frozen shredded zucchini.  I had planned on defrosting it, and straining out as much water as I could.  I forgot; in a hurry I dumped the whole gallon bag into the soup.  As it began to cook I could not stand the smell of it.  I served it to the whole family at dinner.  They liked it alright.  The one bowl I ate was okay, but there were zucchini seeds (apparently this was from a very large zucchini) in it.  Back to this morning, and not eating anything but 1:00 the chicken in the crock-pot was done.  I devoured two leg quarters and drank a big mug full of broth.  It was really good.  I planned on feeding the kids the soup for lunch and again for dinner.  They like it, so that works great!  For dinner I just can not bring myself to eat the soup from yesterday.  I also can not bring myself to make any more soup.  Then I get an idea.  If I am sick of soup, maybe I do not have to make soup, exactly.  I take the broth from the crock-pot and put it in a pan.  I fill the pan with broccoli and cauliflower florets and cook it on low until tender.  For dinner I ate more chicken, a bowl full of broccoli and cauliflower and a big mug of brother.  It was so delicious and wonderful!  I can do this!  Thinking outside the box!

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